About FocusPledge

I'm On a Mission to Defeat Distraction

I spend on average 5 hours on my phone each day. I'm ashamed to admit that I've watched YouTube shorts while driving. I open Instagram right after closing it. I know I have a problem, but I can't resist the temptations—these apps have rewired my brain. I pledge to fight back. To take back my focus, my attention, and my time.

Harveen Atwal

Founder, FocusPledge

How it started

In 2021, I was fed up with how much time I was wasting on my phone, so I decided to take action. I set limits on my most addictive apps and had my sister lock them with a password.

At first, it was tough. Every time I tried to open YouTube, Instagram, or Chrome, I was blocked. But over time, I got used to it. I found other things to do, like working on side projects and spending time outdoors.

However, after a couple of months, I caved. I asked my sister for the passcode, and my apps were unlocked.

Fast forward to 2024. I’m listening to an episode of the IndieHackers podcast with Courtland Allen and Dmitry Dragilev. They’re talking about a startup founder named James Sinka, who practices something called dopamine fasting.

When I heard that term, a lightbulb went off. It all made sense—I wanted to reduce my screen time and incorporate more mindfulness techniques into my daily routine.

questions & answers

Frequently asked questions

How can it detect when I break focus?

When you select an app to block, FocusPledge will show a screen any time you open the app. If you want to remove the screen, you'll need to break your pledge.

Is it free?

FocusPledge is free if you can stick to your goals. At the point you lose focus is when you will be charged. You can set the penalty - anywhere between $1 to $1000. It's your choice, your motivation.

What data does it collect?

Your screen time data never leaves your device, ensuring complete privacy. No account necessary.

Does FocusPledge work on all devices?

Currently, FocusPledge is exclusively designed for iPhones. We're working hard to bring it to other platforms in the future, so stay tuned!

Where does the money go when you break a pledge?

When you break a pledge, the money goes towards helping sustain the development of FocusPledge. If that rubs you the wrong way, that is a good thing because you will be less incentivized to break your pledge!

Say goodbye to distractions

Get started with FocusPledge today and turn your screen time into you time. Stay focused, achieve more, and feel the difference today!

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